What is Mediation?
Mediation is a process where a neutral third party assists the parties in litigation reach a negotiated settlement, to allow the parties take control of a difficult circumstance and come to a resolution while foregoing the risks and expense of trial. The mediator cannot force the parties to settle, but lends his experience-based perspective and insight to help the parties achieve a resolution. Mediation is confidential, informal, and non-binding unless all parties agree to the resolution.
Ali has represented both plaintiffs and defendants in several different practice areas. He understands the value and importance as a litigator of working toward meaningful settlement and resolution.
Our office provides mediation services in San Antonio and surrounding areas, with large, comfortable conference rooms to accommodate the parties. Ali will also mediate cases outside of San Antonio, including in the Austin and Houston metropolitan areas.
Family Mediation
The level of conflict between parties in a family case can often be extremely high. It is important to have a committed mediator to navigate through that conflict to assist in reaching a fair and positive outcome that is satisfactory to all the parties. Ali has experience in mediating a broad range of family disputes.
Our Rates
In San Antonio, we charge $350 per party for a half-day mediation and $700 per party for a full-day mediation.
In Austin and Houston, we charge $450 per party for a half-day mediation and $900 per party for a full day mediation.